Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ready, Aim, Fire!

Souvenir from the first gun I ever had the pleasure of shooting, a 9mm rifle. I also shot an AR-15, 410, M1 carbine, 22 and a 45 colt revolver! I think I'm addicted now.... And I'm a good shot, and was told I don't shoot like a girl! :)
I had such a fun time, and I can't wait to do it again.  Clay took me and J.t. (Clay's cousin) over to his boss's house (they're good friends) so J.T. and I could both learn how to shoot.  I stuck to the guns that didn't have much kick to them, I didn't want to be sore and hating life afterward, I wanted my first time to be an enjoyable experience (and it was).  Though, I must say I'm not big on the handguns, give me a rifle or shotgun, I like the BIG stuff; it's easier to handle and I felt more in-control.  Clay shot everything I did (except for the M1 Carbine, it kept jamming) plus he got to shoot an AK-47, 12 ga, 20 ga, Henrys 45 cal Rifle, Glock 45, 2 different 30-30's, 7mm Mag, and a WWII Russian Moslan Nagont.  
I'd say we had a pretty awesome day, and I am now a gun nut.  I want to become more experienced........and possibly look into getting an AR-15 of my own, b/c that was my favorite gun to shoot.  I. Freaking. Loved. It!  Clay is all proud of me and thinks it's cool that I want a military grade weapon.  What can I say, I know the good stuff when I shoot it.  :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Fun Day!

 Thursday morning, while Izzy and I waited for the bus to pick her up, she found this big branch and thought it was neat.

Later we went to my mom and dad's for dinner and Izzy and Abby invited me to their tea party, or, "The one most beautiful tea party" as Abby called it.  Abby informed me that our tea was made from hot ingredients, hot chocolate, ingredients, edamame (soy beans) and peas......delicious, right?