Tag, I'm It!
I was tagged by my mom. This is a 4x4 blog
meme that reveals some little facts about me! It will be great fun getting to know my blogging buddies better. So check at the bottom and if you're tagged, copy and paste this into your blog and insert your four favs in each of the four subject.
1st - Four places I go:
-My parent's house
-Book club
2nd - Four favorite smells:
-Clay (yes, just him, he smells yummy)
-Laundry fresh out of the dryer
-Ralph by Ralph Lauren (my perfume)
-My Izzy-boo, after she's had a bath
3rd - Four favorite TV shows and/or movies
-Being Human
-Ghost Hunters (the International one as well)
-Practical Magic
4th - Four recommendations
-Remember who you are
-Smiling is contagious, so pass it along
-Trust in the Lord
-Every day on the right side of the dirt is a good day
Tag: Tiffany S., Christina W., Lindsay E., Rebekah G.