Today we went to Calvert Cliffs State Park. Here's Izzy ready to go.
It is a 1.8 mile hike to get to the beach and it costs $5 per car. Here are Clay and Izzy looking for sharks teeth.
Izzy is off to scavenge the beach while Clay sifts through the water.
After a while Izzy just wanted to sit and play in the water, but Clay was determined to find something neat. I love this picture b/c it has a great butt shot! Gotta love the butt shots. :)
I love this with Izzy's head sticking out of the water. She thought it was cool that she could sit in the water like that.
Here she is scavenging the beach again. She found all kinds of shells and such, but she didn't want to keep any of them.
This is an adorable picture.
Awesome blue dragonfly that landed right by me.
One of the many lovely swamps of Maryland.
I love the little flower on the lily pad.
This was a neat tree along the path.
You know those beautiful pictures of paradise with a long pier, well this is Maryland's version. ;)
An uprooted tree Izzy found, and on the back was this neat yellow mushroom.
There was this stream that meandered about along the path, which emptied out into the swamp.
Pretty little waterfall.
This is a tooth we found at the beach. Don't know what it is though. It's more rounded sort of like a dolphin or porpoise. We think the beach has been so over panned for sharks teeth that it is no longer very easy to find them. We had a wonderful day though just the three of us. It's nice to get out and do things as a family.